
ECO inspires students to care for nature and their local communities through hands-on science education and climate action.

Vision and purpose

We’re taking education outside - into our communities and nature with multidisciplinary, place-based experiential ecology lessons rooted in partnerships. 

Our programs aim to cultivate an ecological mindset where the entire ecosphere is shown to have innate value and is an extension of ourselves and our health. Students discover our interconnectedness and through this knowledge, they recognize that caring for our shared place is the same as caring for each other.

Nature connects us

In 2005, ECO was founded by two environmental scientists and educators, Sarah Woods and Bethany Thomas, to address the disconnect between the classroom and outdoors and students from the natural world. They developed hands-on ecology lessons and began to teach science and stewardship.

They set out to foster personal connections between students and nature and engage them with the needs of their communities - human and non-human - and get them learning outdoors at a time when awe and curiosity are abundant. 


Diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice are central to our organizational structure and culture through our mission, leadership, policies, and programs. All employees and volunteers, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, sexual orientation or identity, education, or disability, are valued and respected. We commit to tending to culturally specific partnerships to integrate diverse perspectives into our education model and meet the needs of the communities we serve. Read more >>

Support our mission

The importance of ECO’s mission has grown along with the need for ecological and climate literacy to instill stewardship and counteract climate anxiety. Through ongoing ecology education, students develop critical thinking skills, connect human action and environmental health, and work together to build stronger, resilient communities.

We love our community

Our mission is made possible by funding partners and community organizations who share our vision, nonprofits who bring knowledge and know-how, and businesses and individuals committed to bringing hands-on ecology and climate action to students across the Pacific Northwest. We are deeply grateful, thank you!

  • ECO is an energetic group passionate about the connection kids share with nature and they bring it to the classroom! The kids stay excitedly engaged - I'm not even sure they realize how much they are learning. It's an incredible program and an amazing group!

    — From Great Nonprofits

  • We have worked with ECO for the past four years, and it is always a delight. The students come to our site raring to go, excited to explore the natural world. The instructors clearly have good rapport with the students. They also project an easy proficiency with the art and craft of coaxing elementary students into the rigors of scientific thought, observing nature with respect, dealing with Oregon's weather, and positively affecting a piece of land. The "back of house" component is also reliable and competent - correspondence, documentation, and planning are timely, complete, and efficient. Strongly recommended.

    — Kakumyo Lowe-Charde, Dharma Rain Zen Center

  • We work with this organization as an education partner and we absolutely love working on projects with them! They have a wonderful staff that offers a great range of skills, and we see them as an expert reference when it comes to outdoor education in western Oregon. Their lessons are current, and they are good at collaborating with regional partners to ensure the content shared with students can start them on their journey to environmental careers or simply an appreciation for the Earth.

    — Megan Garvey, The Wetlands Conservancy

  • ECO is a collaborator and a great partner for Hands On Greater Portland. Eco-literacy and outdoor experiences are vital for our youth, and I'm thankful this is their focus.

    — Cristy Munoz, Hands On Greater Portland

  • ECO has been such an important part of our school community for over 16 years. They have guided our students in knowing the world around them and the important role they play in taking care of it. Our students are excited to see the educators from ECO. They know that they will be engaged in a fun lesson inside or better yet, heading outside to our nature garden. Our students know and understand the world around them better because of our relationship with ECO.

    — Teacher, Corbett Grade School